While outsourcing has the potential to cut costs and improve your focus on the core business, very few outsourcing projects are actually running as smoothly as expected. Govitec experts have been solid players in the outsourcing field. This allows us to see the pitfalls and let you take advantage of our proven remedies.
Typically vendors and clients agree to an outsourcing contract only to find themselves haphazardly switching key functions at various stages.
Outsourcing is supposed to free the client of the tasks pertaining to the outsourced process, but the reality is most clients tend to take a “not my problem anymore” attitude, as soon as there is noticeable results in the process. This can be done in the long-term, but not initially. Unfortunately meeting deadlines to keep the project running becomes more important than fine tuning the process through ongoing communications and baselines.
At this stage, both parties think they are satisfied with their respective responsibilities, therefore not maximizing the value of outsourcing. At Govitec, we believe that autopilot or unmanned projects are not pragmatic. Instead, we will pilot your project through performance metrics, testing and implementation of the outsourcing process. Our strength is forged through vast experience and tools such as our E-Project Management System. We will be the third layer of the model that evaluates continuously the deliverables, approves the billing numbers, identifies risks, benefits, areas for improvement, proposes re-engineering processes, and maintains the client-vendor relationship at its best.
As an added value, Govitec will setup when necessary a backup vendor that can come onboard within hours and keep your business running in case of any issues with the dedicated vendor. In some case we even set up two vendors to work on your project simultaneously.