Doing business faster, smarter, and easier is a business-intelligence need for medical practices and hospitals. Managing patient healthcare information requires coordinating a wide volume and variety of content -- patient records, financial records, insurance forms, prescriptions, physician's orders, X-rays and more. Recent studies prove that adopting electronic records management systems helps healthcare providers save time, money and lives.
Govitec can convert patient charts with advanced grouping by document types such as patient demographic, lab, notes, miscellaneous etc.. HR files, Explanation of Benefits (EOB's), Ambulance Call Reports, Laboratory Notebooks, Employee Benefits and Safety files into images.
Govitec has performed various onsite and offsite conversions (ABIC, AFP, JBIG, JPEG, MO:DCA, MS Word, MS Excel, PCL, PDF, PDF/A, and TIFF) into known imaging systems such as Laserfiche, Captaris Alchemy, onbase, documentum.
Govitec is committed to deliver powerful, flexible, and reliable imaging solutions to the medical industry.