Doing business faster, smarter, and easier is a business-intelligence need for the manufacturing industry. Govitec can convert part lists, contract files, HR, legal files, Survey/Research Forms, Engineering Drawings, Warranty Cards/Customer Satisfaction Cards, Questionnaires, Mailing Lists, Catalogues/ Manuals, Dictionaries/Encyclopedias into images. Document conversion has the benefits of increasing productivity, performance, and profit in allowing subject matter experts quicker access to information.

Govitec has performed various onsite and offsite conversions (ABIC, AFP, JBIG, JPEG, MO:DCA, MS Word, MS Excel, PCL, PDF, PDF/A, and TIFF) into known imaging systems such as Laserfiche, Captaris Alchemy, onbase.

Govitec is committed to deliver powerful, flexible, and reliable imaging solutions to the manufacturing industry.

Govitec, Inc.

"The Image and Data Conversion Specialists"
1665 Lakes Parkway, Suite 114 
Lawrenceville GA 30043
Office: 678.608.4411
Fax: 866.608.4411